We are passionate about creating and facilitating life changing events and exercises. We offer incredibly powerful tools like firewalking, arrow breaking and rebar bending, as well as the soul cleansing sweat lodge ceremony.
The firewalk, the arrow break and the rebar bend can easily be incorporated into larger events as one of the main exercises, or as a two to three hour workshop in their own right, especially tailored to your group's needs and desires.
What is firewalking?
Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot across a bed of glowing embers or hot rocks. It has been practised for millennia in many cultures across the globe and in a wide variety of belief structures mainly with the purpose of empowerment and healing.
Why firewalk?
Firewalking offers a potentially life-changing moment and does something profound to the human psyche. It changes things in ways no other practice or exercise can.
During a firewalk you learn how to bring to bear all of your potential and how to use your mind to direct your energy towards desired results. During the workshop we will help you break through your barriers and reach your personal and collective goals.
The fire - one of nature's most transformative forces - continues to be a powerful ally at events and seminars we conduct all over the world.
Arrow break and rebar bend
What is an arrow break?
At JS-International we’ve worked with hundreds of organisations and professionals internationally and are passionate about creating life changing events and exercises. Arrow Breaking is one of these life changing exercises and is the practice of placing the point of a wooden arrow in the sterna notch of your throat and then mastering your focus to first bend then entirely snap the shaft of the arrow in half – without any injury to yourself.
What’s the purpose?
Arrow breaking is one of the most powerful demonstrations of the mind over primal instinct and is about using mental control techniques that we teach you. We help you to break through barriers that you have created in your life which can be broken just as effectively once you find you are more powerful than the fear you hold.
What is rebar bending?
Steel rebar bending developed out of the arrow break and was introduced in the early 90's. We use a 6'8" / 2 meter long, 5/8" / 10mm diameter steel reinforcement bar that is used for reinforcing concrete.
What's the purpose?
Rebar bending is an excellent exercise to align group members with each other and the collective. The rebar bend teaches commitment, cooperation, team-work, following through and how to effectively channel one's own creative power for lasting results.
Both the arrow break and the rebar bend can easily be incorporated into larger events as one of the main exercises, or as a two to three hour workshop in their own right, especially tailored to your group's needs and desires.
2023 Personal Mastery in Coaching & Mentoring Course
23/9-25/9 2023 • Module 1 - Coaching and Mentoring for Performance Management
23/11-25/11 2023 • Module 2 - Transcultural Excellence in Coaching
8/1-10/1 2024 • Module 3 - Coaching for Personal Development
25/4-27/4 2024 • Module 4 - Coaching for Transitions
2023 NLP practitioner with Neuroscience
1/10-7/10/2023 The NLP practitioner with Neuroscience
2023 Mastery in Team Coaching
16/1-18/1 2023 - Best practices in Team Coaching
20/3-22/3 2023 - Systemic Team Coaching to improve performance
12/6-14/6 2023 - Resolving issues and delivering results
3/9-5/9 2023 - Coaching the C-Suite
Course Flyers
To find out more:
Sally Jackson +356 9972 7552
What our clients say:
Unbelievable, life-changing experience on a truly professional programme.
A wonderful training experience by two masters.
Professional, inspirational, transformational!
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Director Sally Jackson
+356 9972 7552
JS-International Ltd.
Suite 1 Burns House
19 Town Range
Registration Number 102175
TIN (tax identification number) 614 266